I possess a unique combination of experiences and expertise that contribute to my current scholarly interests. In the early stage of my academic career, I studied engineering, where I also enjoyed the process of inventing. Upon commencing my college education, I shifted my focus to addressing creativity and solving social problems, leading me to major in public administration and policy. I believe technology and innovation change the world and I wanted to more deeply and comprehensively understand how people and governments engage with them.
In the middle of my first MPA, I worked in the Ministry of National Defense of Korea as a secretary staff for a Marine Corps Major General. This experience provided me with valuable insights into how institutions, decisions, motives, and other institutional-organizational factors interact across different levels, while collaborating with various institutes and stakeholders to generate government results. Later, while working as a researcher at the Seoul Institute, a think tank for the metropolitan city, I continued to deepen my understanding of the significant implications of public organizational functioning for policy outcomes and governance.
These experiences inspired me to delve more profoundly into the workings of public administrative organizations which are critical to the vibrancy, health and safety of individuals and communities.